PT Papyrus Sakti adalah salah satu pabrik karton kertas yang paling tua di Indonesia. Produksinya dijual secara langsung dan tidak langsung kepada pengguna akhir, di sektor industri dan pada konsumen langsung. Papyrus Sakti didirikan pada tahun 1974,  dan berjalan dengan kapasitas penuh 2 tahun kemudian. Sejak itu, jenis produk dan kapasitas produksinya bertambah dengan pesat.

Contact Info

Jl. Raya Banjaran Km. 16.2 Banjaran, Batukarut, Kec. Arjasari, Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat 40379
(+62-22) 594-0140

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Environmental Responsibility

PT. Papyrus Sakti is committed to running environmentally friendly and sustainable business operations. We use raw materials from waste paper, manage liquid waste and gas emissions according to environmental standards to reduce pollution, and minimize the use of hazardous chemicals. We implement energy-saving technology and use renewable energy sources, as well as reduce solid waste by increasing paper recycling. In our water conservation efforts, we save water through a recycling system in the production process. We monitor and report environmental impacts transparently, provide local environmental training such as tree planting and river cleaning. Additionally, we encourage innovation in production processes to reduce environmental impact.

With these steps, PT. Papyrus Sakti is committed to preserving the environment and complying with applicable regulations.
