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Keberhasilan PT Papyrus Sakti dalam pengelolaan manajemen telah dibuktikan dengan berbagai penghargaan yang diperoleh yaitu Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001, Manajemen Pengelolaan Limbah (Proper) dan Sistem Verifikasi dan Legalitas Kayu (SVLK). Dan juga yang terbaru adalah memperoleh sertifikasi Halal dari Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal Republik Indonesia.
ISO 9001
ISO 9001 is the most popular quality management standard that has been used by various industries. The existence of these standards helps companies to produce goods or services with high quality and international standards. PT Papyrus Sakti's main goal in implementing ISO 9001 is to help ensure customers receive consistently high quality products and services. This encourages increased customer satisfaction. Implementing ISO 9001 is also very helpful in managing quality management, efficient production costs, and improving production processes on an ongoing basis.
SVLK Certificate
The Timber Legality Verification System (SVLK) is a system to ensure the legality of wood both in terms of harvesting and legal trade in Indonesia. SVLK was formed as the Government's commitment to combating illegal logging and illegal timber trade. This system provides a guarantee of the legality of wood in the form of certification.
In order to comply with government regulations, PT. Papyrus Sakti as one of the business license holders for the wood processing industry and its derivatives since 2017 until now has submitted an application for a Wood Legality inspection to LVLK Sucofindo ICS which is carried out every year and has obtained a Wood Legality certificate issued by PT. Sucifindo
In order to comply with government regulations, PT. Papyrus Sakti as one of the business license holders for the wood processing industry and its derivatives since 2017 until now has submitted an application for a Wood Legality inspection to LVLK Sucofindo ICS which is carried out every year and has obtained a Wood Legality certificate issued by PT. Sucifindo
PROPER Certificate
PROPER (Public Disclosure Program for Environmental Compliance) which is defined as the Company Performance Rating Assessment Program in Environmental Management. This is a form of government policy to improve the company's environmental management performance in accordance with what has been stipulated in statutory regulations. In this case PT. Papyrus Sakti received the PROPER award with a blue rating in 2010, 2011 and 2012.
By obtaining the PROPER rating, the company was recognized as having realized efforts for transparency and democratization in environmental management.
The implementation of this instrument is an effort by the State Ministry of the Environment to apply some of the principles of good governance (transparency, fairness, accountability and community involvement) in environmental management in Indonesia.
By obtaining the PROPER rating, the company was recognized as having realized efforts for transparency and democratization in environmental management.
The implementation of this instrument is an effort by the State Ministry of the Environment to apply some of the principles of good governance (transparency, fairness, accountability and community involvement) in environmental management in Indonesia.